Monday, August 29, 2011

Integrated 3 ---Week of Aug 29-Sept 2

Monday, 8/29
We began Law of Sines today --- introduced the law of sines and it's origin. Unfortunately, we didn't have much time to play around with how to use it. We'll tackle that tomorrow. If you missed class, you can find this derivation of the Law of Sines on page 29 problems #2&3.

I assigned HW#7: page 31 On Your Own for homework, but I'm not sure if students will be successful at this time. Please try to do it, but we'll discuss tomorrow and won't turn in this assignment until Wednesday.

Tuesday, 8/30
We continued today with our investigation on how to set up and solve Law of Sines problems.
Click here for the  Law of Sines Practice

To Get Help with the Law of Sines: click on the link "Math TV" at the right. On the MathTV website, choose "Trigonometry", then "Triangles" then "Law of Sines". Click on any one of the teachers for a quick tutorial on how to do the Law of Sines.
MathTV Warning/Disclaimer
Often the approach the the teacher on the video takes is not the same as the approach that may have been used in class. This may be helpful, or it may be confusing, so be fore-warned.

HW#7 Update: p. 31 - On Your Own: Show a CHECK of your solutions!
p. 30 - #4: Show a CHECK of your solutions!

Wednesday, 8/31
BIG IDEA: Find missing information in a triangle given...
1.) 2 angles and 1 side (review from yesterday and Monday)
2.) 1 angle and 2 sides (new learning)

Self-Assess: Students were grouped according to their own self-assessment... need help, need more practice or need advanced practice.
"Need help" groups worked with me.
"Need more practice" groups worked on the first page of the practice page.
"Need advanced practice" groups worked on the second page of the practice page (there are 3 copies per page)
Here is the link to the Practice Page
HW - just do whatever you need to do to make sure you're ready to take the Proficiency Check tomorrow!

Thrusday, 9/1
Homework Check and Proficiency Check
- students also had the opportunity to work on more advanced practice, if they chose to do so.

HW - none

Friday, 9/2
New Groups today & exploring the question...
"What if the Law of Sines doesn't work?" Then what?

HW - WS: Order of Operations

Integrated 2 ---Week of Aug 29 - Sept 2

Monday, 8/29
Today we worked on solving for a variable out of the context of a problem.
(example 2x + 3y = 12... solve for y: y = (12-2x)/3 OR y = 4 - 2/3x)

HOMEWORK#4 worksheet was given out... do problems for Monday.
You can download a version of this worksheet here (and you'll need a book for some of the problems) at:
- check in the group folder for your homework
- get notes for solving (put into toolkit) from a group member

Tuesday, 8/30
We started with a warm-up and self-assessment.
In Class Problems: p. 32 #5-6
Tomorrow we will regroup for practice for the Proficiency Check (scheduled for Thursday) based on students' self-assessment.
HW WS... do Tuesday's problem as best you can.

Wednesday, 8/21Re-group and compare yesterday's work
Finish: p. 32 #5-6, Advanced Practice: #7
HW WS... do Wednesday's problems and finish Tuesday, if necessary
Proficiency Check tomorrow!

Thursday, 8/22
Q & A session
In-Class Proficiency Check - that's all.

Friday, 8/23
I took advantage of the presence of my student teachers and had students work in numeracy groups.  Students worked on solving
   2 step equations (ex:  3x - 4 = 11)
   equations with parenthesis  (ex:   4(x + 2) = 11)
   equations involving combining like terms   (ex:  3x - 2 + 5x + 8 = 17)
Each student was placed into a group based on previous knowledge. 
ABSENT STUDENTS:  If you'd like to catch up with this, let me know and I"ll get you the appropriate worksheet.  Otherwise, we'll just set you up where you need to be next week.

Proficiency Check Scores are In IC - Integrated 2 AND 3

Please check to see how you (or your student) faired on last week's proficiency check. I was (hopefully) very clear that this score is formative... meaning that it is an update. It will NOT affect the final grade in this class unless it is to help a border-line student. The outlook regarding any formative assessment should be "I am proficient/partially proficient/unsat right now. What do I need to do to become proficient/advanced?" Then answer that question.

I will post solutions to both PCs in the hall outside my room. Students should make corrections based on my comments and check their answers with the key. Any questions that they still might have on their mistakes should be addressed as soon as possible. I am available every Tuesday and Thrusday after school except this week. I have a speech therapy appointment on Tuesday this week but there will be math cafe in room 264A. I will be available after school every other day this week.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Integrated 3 ---Week of August 22-26

Monday, August 22
Big Idea: Re-writing equations to solve for a given variable.
Class Problems: p. 15 #2-4, #5 for advanced practice
HW: p. 16 - OYO

Tuesday, August 23

Students started by reviewing and asking questions over the homework. They then completed a Proficiency Check (short quiz) over Unit 1, Lesson 1. No homework tonight.

Wednesday, August 24
Big Idea: "Access Prior Knowledge" about solving triangles
Investigation: WS - if you were absent make sure you look in your folder when you return!
Homework: None (or, if you'd like to finish up what you can do on the worksheet, you may)

Thursday, August 25
Big Ideas: What is the minimal amount of information needed to solve for a triangle? (find all the missing parts) How can we use mathematical relationships to do this?
Investigation: p. 26-27 #1-4, Checkpoint a & b
Homework: p. 31 - On Your Own

Friday, August 26
Big Idea: How can we use what we know about right triangles to solve for non-right triangles.
Ivestigation: p. 28-29 problem #1
Homework: have a fun and safe weekend!

Integrated 2 ---Week of August 22-26

Monday 8/22
We had a quick review of the direct & inverse relations and then students worked on the Proficiency Check (a small quiz). Homework was the Monday problem on the worksheet (also pg. 8 in the book... #11)

Tuesday 8/23
Our big idea was "How can we use variables to write patterns in a shorter form?" If a student was absent he or she can pick up the classwork from the group folder in the classroom. Homework is the Tuesday problems on the worksheet.

Wednesday 8/24
Numeracy Day --- students worked in one of three numeracy stations involving either positive and negative number operations OR solving 2-step equations (to get ready to solve systems of equations)
Homework: Wednesday problems on the Homework Worksheet.

Thursday 8/25
Our big idea was "How can we use numerical methods AND algebraic methods to solve for missing information in a problem?"
Students used problems #1-2 on pages 30-31 to continue investigating how to write and use equations to find different information... in this case Bret was earning money by mowing lawns and washing cars. Most students wrote equations and found several points on the graph of those equations by using numerical methods. Our next step is to do the same using algebraic methods. We'll continue with problems 3-5 tomorrow.
HOmework: finish the HW#3 Worksheet.

Friday 8/26
On Friday we continued our investigation involving re-writing equations.
Big Idea: "How can we use variables to write rules in shorter forms?"
Investigation: complete the table for problem #3 on page 31 (ask me for a copy if you were absent) and did #3-4. We summarized our thinking around #4 and will continue with this line of thinking on Monday.
Homework: have a fun and safe weekend!
HW#3 worksheet was due today

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Integrated 2 - HW#3

For week of August 22-26
Posting documents is new to me, so we'll see how this works.  I cannot publish any text from the book, so there are blank spaces where the book problems might be completed.  Please let me know if there are any problems and I'd be happy to email the original homework document to you.

I realized, while playing around with it after I posted, that you'll need to create an account (it's free) with Scribd before you can download. It only requires an email address (and you can choose to have updates mailed to you or not). My husband is investigating saving as pdf files and if that works out it will be even easier!

First Post - Here We Go

Hello all and thank you for visiting my blog!  We've just finished the first 2 weeks of the school year and one of the most important focuses of my class (besides learning some math, of course!) has been creating classroom rituals and routines.  Your student should now know what the cue is to get quiet (turning the lights down/off), what the everyday duties/roles of each student are (reader, checker, stuffer and substitute) and what each role/duty requires them to do!  Ask them about it.

Integrated Alg/Geo 2 has just finished the first lesson in the first unit: direct and inverse variation.  The first homework assignment was turned in (hopefully!) on Friday and those assignments are already graded and in the Infinite Campus gradebook.  Our first "Proficiency Check" (a formative quiz) will be on Monday (8/22) and will cover everything we've learned so far about variation.  Next week - starting tomorrow - we'll prepare to start learning about systems of equations and the many ways to solve them.  I'll do my best to post the homework worksheets here (or at least the pages you can find the problems in the book).

Integrated Alg/Geo/Trig 3 is almost finished with the first lesson in the first unit - we have but one investigation to finish.  I predict that we'll have our first "Proficiency Check" (a formative quiz) on Tuesday (8/25) or possibly Wednesday.  All homework that has been assigned and turned in are posted in Infinite Campus (except my 8th grade students... Infinite Campus is not cooperating and letting me set up my 8th-grade gradebook.  I'll get that taken care of tomorrow and grades should be posted soon after.)

The times I have set aside to work with students are Tuesday and Thursday after school from 3:30-4:30pm.  Students may make an appointment to see me at other times, including before school, 7th period and during lunch.

My intent is to update this site weekly with assignments and upcoming assessments.  Any questions you may have can be posted here OR emailed to my school email address, which you can find at  Here's to a successful first blog!